Welcome to our nursing college




We believe in the perpetual- healing mission, undertaken by the servant of God Blessed 'Mother Mariam Thressia' our Founder. We also believe in the integrity and worth of patients as human beings with rights and dignity. Hence Maria Theresa College of Nursing stands committed to uphold the basic human rights of all persons and will care for the sick with due respect safe guarding his/her human dignity. Since all persons are unique individuals, personal care will be provided to each patient, especially in dealing with their health needs. Preferential options and attention will be wilfully extended to patients who are economically weaker under privileged.
Since today the World is seen as a global village, we are devoted to providing formation to our students to be global nurses with the ability to transmit the values of Maria Theresa College of Nursing to their patients wherever they may be. The students of Maria Theresa College of Nursing will stand ever to encourage, preserve, and regain the best health in persons throughout his/her life span. Faculty members of Maria Theresa College of Nursing view education as an ongoing and interactive process. Our Faculty members will not be satisfied with providing just the professional nursing knowledge to students, more than that, the college will be provided with integral formation to face the present world with all its uniqueness and complexities. Formation of students in ethical values will be the key point of attention of Maria Theresa College of Nursing. Finally, Maria Theresa College of Nursing will be accountable for providing qualitative formation with creativity and commitment.

Talk to us now

0480 2 788 111

Class hours

9: 00 AM to 4: 00 PM

Contact via mail




Indian Nursing Council

Indian Nursing Council is a national regulatory body for nurses and nurse education in India. It is an autonomous body under the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, constituted by the Central Government under section 3 of the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947 of Indian parliament.


Kerala University of Health Sciences

KUHS was established in 2010 through an ordinance and later Kerala University of Health Sciences Act, 2010. All branches of treatment came under the university and medical and para-medical colleges previously functioning under different Universities, like University of Kerala, Mahatma Gandhi University, Calicut University, Kannur University, Cochin University of Science and Technology, and Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, also came under this university.


Kerala Nursing and Midwifery Council

Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council is an autonomous body under the Government of Kerala, Health and Family Welfare Department and was constituted by Government of Kerala under the provisions of Nurses and Midwives Act 1953.